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Non-Emergency Line: (352) 754-6830 | In an Emergency call 911

Non-Emergency Line: (352) 754-6830
In an Emergency call 911

Commissary Information

Commissary will operate for the exclusive use and benefits of the inmates. Commissary orders via kiosk are available in Housing and Medical Units. Orders must be submitted before 8:00 A.M. Mondays and Thursdays for a scheduled delivery. Scheduled deliveries are on Tuesdays and Fridays. This schedule is tentative and can be changed without notice. All orders are limited to eighty dollars ($80.00) max, twice per week excluding holidays. Kiosks have all prices and photos of available items. If there is a change to the menu or its pricing, the Commissary Technician will ensure the posting of said changes in each Housing Unit.

If a holiday falls on a commissary day, notices will be posted in each housing unit advising inmates of any changes. Commissary is a privilege and the purchase of any items will be rescinded if the inmate violates the facility rules and regulations. Inmates may not purchase items from the commissary for another inmate.

Inmates are responsible to check and verify their purchases in the presence of the commissary personnel. All shortages or omissions will be handled in the distribution area before the inmate returns to his or her cell. Keep your receipts as proof of purchase. Commissary orders will be held for 7 days after an inmate is released. They will then be disposed of if they have not been picked up.

To deposit money to an inmate's commissary account, you may do so at, or by calling 1-800-546-6283.